Interview 00 – An Introduction

The Creative Control WordPress is going to be used to promote the artists in the group via interviews and eventually collaborations. To kick it off prior to the first of the bi-monthly interviews with illustrator extraordinaire Lois Orchard, Lois asked me (Tom Stroud, XXV Art) a few questions to cement the context of this platform. 


You’ve recently set up Creative Control as a community and platform for creatives and artists to discuss anything and everything work related. What was the main reason for setting this up and where do you want to go with it in the future?
I set up Creative Control because I saw a little gap in the market, something that I quite actively wanted for. The idea came about whilst I was working on a split piece with Eloise Flavell of Death Designs, I wanted some critique and opinion from peers in the same field, rather than just my mates. The same night I made the group, and it seemed to flow pretty well. The aim is to keep it active so other artists continue to use it for the same advice on the industry, constructive criticism and encouragement from their peers. Past that I want to grow Creative Control into a brand, use the interviews as an opportunity to collaborate with artists with shirts or other cool items, charity fundraising events and so on and so forth. Ultimately, I want to use this as a platform to empower creative of every level.

Split with Death Designs (right half)

Firstly can you introduce yourself as a creative for people who are not familiar with your work?
I’m an illustrator first and foremost I think, I used to think I was an artist but if I was to narrow it down to a single discipline it would be illustration. I’ve worked mostly with musicians, whilst doing bits and bobs elsewhere, includingshirts as XXV and LWGSP with my best mate Matt Leppier A.K.A. Brickcellphone. I used to just outright copy tattooists like Sam Ricketts and Simon Erl, but found my feet with stippling. I still tend to use the same motifs of pop culture and death.

LWGSP Electric Wizard rip

You’ve started to experiment with a lot more colour and character based linework as opposed to your distinctive skull and dotwork style recently. How did that come about? Was it a natural process or something you purposely decided to play around with?
I think at this point I’m attempting to appeal to a slightly wider audience, but more than that it’s to keep me fresh. I wasn’t sure I’d be any good at anything other than black and white stippled skulls – but Splintered commissioned me to do some cover artwork for me and despite being the best artist in the world I wasn’t ENTIRELY sure how it would turn out. I didn’t let them know that though, and the final piece if definitely something I’m proud of. Also, stippling takes fucking forever to do; the final outcome is usually worth it, but busting out simple line based coloured pieces is so satisfying, especially as it seems to be the prevailing trend at the moment.

Splintered Cover

Best crisps?
The best crisps are undoubtedly Walkers MAX Paprika or their Flame Grilled Steak. If you think otherwise, you just aren’t correct.

You were pretty consistent with your drawing a day challenge. How do you keep yourself so motivated and driven?
I was excited to see what I’d come up with next, a lot of the designs were taken straight from whatever I’d been watching that day (a lot of kids movies due to watching them with my daughter). It was a pain and pretty gruelling but definitely worth it, cus each piece was it’s own contained finality I felt like I could see myself improving piece to piece as well which was super gratifying. I plan on doing it for Jan and Jun next year as well.

09 Cheap Shot1.jpg
Drawing No.9 – “Cheap Shot”

Pettibon or Crumb?
Pettibon for sure – Pettibon is someone I’ve always held on a pedestal as one of the top reasons I continue to do what I do, I’ve also not had a look at enough Crumb to change my mind yet.

What’s your proudest moment to date?
I’ve got two raising £420.00 for Brighton Housing Trust (which you did the flyer for!!) doing my first fundraising (got in a local newspaper for that too!!!!) and doing a shirt for AFI.










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